Posts Tagged ‘language arts’



Habits are an important part of our life sometimes you probably do not even realize you are doing a habit. Your habits may be making your bed every morning or reading for 20 minutes . This year in Language Arts we made a habit to plank every day and add 15 mins each week. We started out at 15 seconds and ended at 2 minutes and 30 seconds. We had to plank every day outside or inside of class. At first I thought this was crazy but soon I realized it was going to help me more than I thought it was. As I planked more and more I started to just know I had to plank that day.

During the plank challenge we were supposed to plank as long as we could. My goal for myself was for 5 minutes thinking that would be really hard, but I just kept going at 10 minutes. My face was red and I was getting tired. I ended up getting 16 minutes and 20 seconds, something I thought I could never do I actually did. For me 30 seconds seemed like a breeze. My new habit is going to be wall sits adding 15 seconds each week.  If you have any habits you do each day or you are going to do, put them in the comments below. 


Your habits shapes your identity and you identity shapes your habits  

  • James Clear